2020 Youth Lock-In
Calling all 4th– 8th graders:
Join us, the students from The Beacon Lutheran Campus Ministry, for our 2020 Youth Lock-In.
Fun begins on Friday, March 20 at 9:00pm at the Lake Crystal Rec. Center
Fun concludes Saturday, March 21 7:30am at the Beacon.
There will be swimming, basketball, pizza, late night worship, movies, and much more! Registration forms are available through your church/school office or you can register here online.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friday, March 20:
Registration beginning at 9:00pm
Welcome Devotion after swimming.
Saturday, March 21:
We will bus the children to The Beacon for breakfast at 6:00am
Please pick them up there by 7:30am.
COST: $25 per child (includes pizza and breakfast)
Please bring a snack or chips to share.
Make checks out to ‘The Beacon’.
Please ensure that items brought to the Lock-In are appropriate for this event.
Example of items not to bring: Silly String, Squirt Guns, and Shaving Cream.
Send checks to:
“The Beacon”
1506 Warren St. Mankato MN 56001
$25 per child
Questions? Ask Pastor Nelson. pastormarquesnelson@gmail.com 507-345-7049 (Church Office)
Drop off: Lake Crystal Rec Center:
621 W. Nathan St. Lake Crystal, MN 56005
(15 min southwest of Mankato on HWY 60)
Pick-Up: the beacon campus ministry
1506 Warren St. Mankato, MN 56001
507-317-8177 (Pastor Nelson’s Cell)
(Across from the Bell Tower, next to Alumni Building)