Posts tagged John 8:31-32
You will know the truth.
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The topics of spirituality and God's plan for your life are popular. How many times a day do you see memes flash before your eyes with interesting quotes about being #blessed, or #JesusCalling or sharing reminders for you not to swipe God's pen when he's writing your story? Perhaps friends are exploring different ministries that seem more spiritual, relational, energetic, make a bigger impact, or just "get it?" How do you know which of these Christian trends are solid gold and useful for growing your faith? How do you discern when an idea might end up undermining your confidence in the gospel and your relationship with Jesus? This semester, we will take a look both at spirituality and the will of God. What does the Bible say on these topics? Thankfully, Jesus knew there would be times when spiritually themed myths would have great appeal (2 Timothy 4) and has told us exactly what we need to navigate these situations.

"If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples. 32 You will also know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -Jesus in John 8:31-32

Let me begin with one important insight into the "will of God," an insight into the heart of God. God tells us this about himself: God our Savior wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3,4). It's God's will, his deepest desire, that everyone hears the beautiful truth of his word, his love, his forgiveness, and that they are saved and free with him forever! It is God's will that you are his. No doubt about it. 

See you soon,
Pastor Nelson